Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Of Peaceful Waters!

What is it in a large water body that makes it such a soothing sight! Has a calming effect on the observor! The crowd and company are rendered irrelevant!

I experienced it thrice on one single day, when i decided to take a mid-week break from work and pop up at the ECP! The large expanse of water - still water, calm water, beautiful water; can do wonders for any depressed soul! Watch the sun rays bounce of the surface! Damn!

And then to quench my post-sunset thirst I arrived at the Esplanade! Oh so beautiful... so picturesque! Water again, at the waterfront! Watching the Merlion across from the waterfront! The whole water front... too good! Shimmering lights create an unmatched effect!

And my final stop was the area next to the UOB Plaza. The steps along the river, where I could sit and watch the flowing water! All the hustle - bustle of Boat Quay was beyond my reach! Or rather I was beyond the reach of the hustle-bustle and the noise, coz their was some calm within! Third relaxing and peaceful stop of the day!

And just when I took the bus home, it started raining and rained all the way. A bus journey in pouring rainfall - icing on the cake. Made my day! A worthwhile break.

Water made my day! I was all refreshed and recharged for the next working day!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Rest In Peace

Today our ex-president Mr.K.R.Narayanan passed away! Here is a part of a conversation I had with my colleague (MyCol) -

Me: Hey, K.R.Narayanan passed away!
MyCol: K.R. who?
Me: Ex-president!
MyCol: Oh. A day off!
Me(Surprised, bewildered): I guess. Not here, in India!
MyCol: Damn! No big shot dies here. They don't even give a day off for election. Useless place.
Me (More Surprise, more bewildered): Hmmm ok!
And i get back to work. Not that I was utterly moved, or soaked in sorrow, but I was taken aback by my colleague's total lack of sensitivity! I did ask. 'Old guy right!' - came the reply!
The poor guy hasn't even reached his grave to be turning in there on hearing such comments!
May he rest in peace!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Of X, Y and Z

This is a story of 3 ppl!
X, Y and Z
X and Y are very close friends! X is very dependant on Y - not for materialistic things, but for emotional support! Well, let's just say 'very dependant' is just a mild mild mild description of the state of affairs! Y reciprocates - Y tries to the best of it's(i avoid the usage of he / she - it is fair and generic) ability! but still X manages to get upset about trivial things - which are of utmost importance to it! so far, so good!
Z is a close friend of X and Y! X expects emotional support from Z also (may be not to the same extent as Y but close enough)!
here's the twist in the tale - somehow X's perception of all it's friends (Z inclusive) is based on it's relation with Y at any given point!
if they are in their friends-forever mood, its all rosy for X (and for Z)!
if Y manages to upset X(for real or psuedo reasons, irrelevant to the main story), somehow to X, Y and everyone else is a villain - is out to get it - is not there when needed (Z inclusive). Z might be behaving, reciprocating, caring just the same way as it was 1 week back, but just because X is upset with Y, X is now upset with Z and accuses it of all kinds of (emotional)wrong doings! Z was all along in the background - caring and making sure not to hurt X. But all in vain, all gone down the drain!
Now comes the toughie - is it correct on X's part to do so? Is it fair to Z to be treated like this?
i'm just a silent spectator watching the 3 deal with their lives! my message to them:

X - cut Z some slack. I know you have problems, tensions, stress! but so do others! you might have raised your expectations too high!
Y - not pretty much anything you can do about the whole thing! (do not spoil X's mood, if possible)
Z - deal with it! cut X some slack! it might not be going through a good time! deal with it! remember all X has done for you!

1) X is not the villain of the story! X is the most caring and loving person amongst the 3! there are no villains / heroes in the story!
2)Character names inspired from Sayesha's World