Sunday, November 06, 2005

Of X, Y and Z

This is a story of 3 ppl!
X, Y and Z
X and Y are very close friends! X is very dependant on Y - not for materialistic things, but for emotional support! Well, let's just say 'very dependant' is just a mild mild mild description of the state of affairs! Y reciprocates - Y tries to the best of it's(i avoid the usage of he / she - it is fair and generic) ability! but still X manages to get upset about trivial things - which are of utmost importance to it! so far, so good!
Z is a close friend of X and Y! X expects emotional support from Z also (may be not to the same extent as Y but close enough)!
here's the twist in the tale - somehow X's perception of all it's friends (Z inclusive) is based on it's relation with Y at any given point!
if they are in their friends-forever mood, its all rosy for X (and for Z)!
if Y manages to upset X(for real or psuedo reasons, irrelevant to the main story), somehow to X, Y and everyone else is a villain - is out to get it - is not there when needed (Z inclusive). Z might be behaving, reciprocating, caring just the same way as it was 1 week back, but just because X is upset with Y, X is now upset with Z and accuses it of all kinds of (emotional)wrong doings! Z was all along in the background - caring and making sure not to hurt X. But all in vain, all gone down the drain!
Now comes the toughie - is it correct on X's part to do so? Is it fair to Z to be treated like this?
i'm just a silent spectator watching the 3 deal with their lives! my message to them:

X - cut Z some slack. I know you have problems, tensions, stress! but so do others! you might have raised your expectations too high!
Y - not pretty much anything you can do about the whole thing! (do not spoil X's mood, if possible)
Z - deal with it! cut X some slack! it might not be going through a good time! deal with it! remember all X has done for you!

1) X is not the villain of the story! X is the most caring and loving person amongst the 3! there are no villains / heroes in the story!
2)Character names inspired from Sayesha's World


Blogger MeAwinner said...

Is this X making issue of a small thing ?
I didn't get the reason why X is upset??
I uderstood that X is upset with Y thats why,X is in bad mood... thts y treating everybody as a villain ..

Its not at all fair.. she needs to be mature to be balanced,is it a mood swing its going through...She need to find the real reason and work on that.
Its not fair to treat Z like this, because she is unhappy because of Y...
and I feel that X will be a girl.. :)what u say ? I am kind of sure ! I m looking fwd for ur reply
Cheers !

12:30 PM  
Blogger oxymoron said...

X does get upset about trivial things, sometimes! And it is not a one time occurance I'm talking about! So the reason is not of importance. Reason may be real or perceived!
Well, if you want to assume, X is a girl, go ahead! I'm not getting pulled into gender stereotyping! X, Y, Z are all characters from the story. Guy/Gal does not matter!

It just about relative perceptions! One person's right might be the other person's wrong!

A quote i read today might be an appendix to the post:
"When a friend is in distress, do not annoy him/her by asking what to do! Just anticipate the right thing and do it!"
But there is a big loophole - which makes me repeat: "One person's right might be the other person's wrong!"

Complicated... what say?

12:40 PM  
Blogger oxymoron said...

Just to add:
The aniticipated right thing might fall short of the upset person's expectations!

12:42 PM  
Blogger Sayesha said...

To X: Don't let another person (even if it's a close friend such as Y) determine whether you are happy or not. 'Cos at the end of the day, it's YOU who can make you happy, and no one else.

To Y: Try to break the news to X gently that it should not be so dependent on Y for everything. You also have your own issues to deal with, and when one day you're so busy with your own world, X will be heart-broken. Not to even mention the storm it will bring on others, including Z.

To Z: You poor thing, you. I pity you. I know you care for X, but X must also understand that others' feelings are just as important as its own. So try and break it to X gently.

To X, Y and Z: Friendship is a precious precious thing. It should bond the three of you together, and not split you up.
Is your friendship doing that?

//Character names inspired by Sayesha
Thanks a lot man! Speaks a lot about Sayesha's creative skills. :/

1:06 PM  
Blogger Canary said...

had to read it twice coz nearly got confused between x,y,z midway..!! :p

1:46 PM  
Blogger oxymoron said...

# Sayesha


I think they are pretty tight inspite of watever happens!
Its just that it creates unnecessary sour moments and hurt feelings, short lived may be!
But hey this is life!

//To Y: Try to break the news to X gently that it should not be so dependent on Y for everything.
has been tried and not well-received!

// You also have your own issues to deal with, and when one day you're so busy with your own world, X will be heart-broken.

Has happened! Storms the day of all 3! At the end of the day does not do any good to any one! and always the worst affected is X! X goes through maximum pain coz of all this! And Y and Z feel bad about that!

Let's hope they remain close and such events become rare occurences!

Cheers to their friendship!

//Speaks a lot about Sayesha's creative skills.
I wouldn't argue on that!

Yup, a bit confusing! This is my only post which I had to proof-read to ensure the message wasn't lost!

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:47 PM  
Blogger MeAwinner said...

Oxy !
So right ! One person's right might not be the right of another person.. :O true..

Sayesha !
Seems so right to say !
" 'Cos at the end of the day, it's YOU who can make you happy, and no one else. "
True.. You need to learn to take control for your own happiness,thats comes if you dont expect from friends,but then what the friends are for? Being human.. we start expecting..things.from each other.
I hope I could conver right.. what I wanted to.
X - could be more balanced in reactions.
Y & Z - could just stand by X and give X some time, to cope up with.. without judging..suggesting.. whatever X is going through
(I think would make thigs better, STAND BY EACH OTHER... Cheers to Their F'ship..)

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

X might be suffering from depression. We are going through a similar situation with someone who is close to us. Last month we took her to a doctor, the doc diagnosed her as having depression. Now she is undergoing treatment, and generally improving.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Angelsera said...

I can completely identify with this story...its as if you wrote out a part of my life!

9:50 PM  
Blogger oxymoron said...

i hope not! X does not deserve that. it is just that X cares way too much.

which of the 3 are you? X, Y or Z ?

10:03 AM  
Blogger Angelsera said...

I was X
I wud like to believe I no longer am :)

1:51 PM  

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