Friday, April 01, 2005

My Fools Day Stupidity!

I guess everyone has joined the bandwagon, called blogging! So, here I choose, the Fools Day to undertake this act of ultimate stupidity! Lets see, how it goes from here on! So far so good!

I could have started with some of the more cliched topics - Life, my new beginning, my 1st blog, me myself, love and blah blah blah, crap crap crap! I chose not to. I'll keep such topics for later use, pretty much like the soap operas , they start on a fresh tone and get to the hackneyed track, sooner than later.

anyhow, speaking about cliches, let me stick to atleast one, where a new blogger explains his/her blog name - oxymoron - literally means - "A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined", eg "deafening silence" or a "silent scream", for interested, jobless freaks, visit - (has lots of crap, but a few good ones like - "Microsoft Works" "Taped Live"). Anyways, i think everyone's personality has a touch of 'oxymoron'ity to it - the mix of good and the bad, the satan and the angel!

personally i feel i'm categorised as the evil angel or the good-hearted devil (less angel less good-hearted, more evil, and definitely devilish).

ok, now I've blogged too much for a first timer.

For some reason i thought the word oxymoron has something to do with stupidity("moron"), till one fine day, i finally checked the dictionary. i still see some connection - coz I feel elated to launch my blog on the ultimate moron's day - the 1st of April! pretty stupid, or if i may say, smart stupidity - howz that for an oxymoron!

Comments, abuses, hugs, kisses, kicks and accolades are welcome.

And I like my anonymity, i wouldn't mind yours too!

To all the FOOLS!