Thursday, June 02, 2005

2 blog or not 2 blog!!!!

Looks like blogging ain't my cup of coffee (i don't take tea)!

It's been 2 months and 2 days since I first blogged and I'm wondering '2' blog or not '2' blog!

Anyways, I haven't yet found a decent topic for the current blog!

I thought of digging down into the history of blogging and decided to blog about blogging!

So for the interested few, here is the place where you can know how it all started! And for those who don't want to take the trouble to find out - I'll just sum it up - it started of as a listing of new sites and then became the hobby of jobless freaks from around the world!!!!

A simple definition:
"Weblogs, typically, are personal Web sites operated by individuals who compile chronological lists of links to stuff that interests them, interspersed with information, editorializing and personal asides"

One study** estimates, that regular bloggers waste(bloggers put it as "devote" instead of "waste") as much as 20% of their working time reading, writing & updating blogs! 50% of which is wasted/devoted searching for information to be blogged on! Another study*** estimates, 30% of office going people with internet availibility blog during office hours! What a gigantic waste of time, some may say! Soon we might have legal suits against people blogging in office (i might want to keep a close watch, here, I dont want to be the first one to be sued / fired coz of office hours blogging)

Aaaah! I'm burnt out for no atleast! So with a combination of boredom + regret (for wasting my 10%), I shall sign off for now!

The question still remains, '2' blog or not '2'!

Who knows when my next blog may happen! I believe in numbers, so i guess it might be 4months4days down the line! Till then - Long Live Satan!!!

** - There are no such studies, I just pulled out the numbers from thin air!


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